DoomScapeRSPS Wiki



The Serpentine Helm is a very strong melee head slot item. It has three variations: Magma Helm, Tanzanite Helm, Serpentine Helm, the variation is merely cosmetic.

It can be obtained as a drop from Zulrah, or via the Wheel of Fortune.

Note, use ::debug to view IDs.
If you are to come across a Serpentine Helm with the ID of 37391:
this item may not be equipped by a Mini, only ID 21142 may.


As touched on prior, the stats on the helmet are very good. Image and text copy below.

Serpentine Helm

Attack bonuses[]

Stab +0

Slash +0

Crush +0

Magic -5

Range -5

Defence bonuses[]

Stab +52

Slash +55

Crush +58

Magic +0

Range +50

Other bonuses[]

Strength +5
